Suntou Susso

Multi instrumentalist, Kora master, producer, composer, teacher and song-writer
“Extraordinary…enjoyable…you were mesmerised by the shimmering sounds” The Live Room, Saltaire.
Suntou Susso is a multi-instrumentalist: kora player, percussionist, singer, and composer from The Gambia. Born a Griot in a 700-year-old tradition, the kora – a harp-lute with 22 strings – is unique to the Griots of the Mandinka people. Griots have a unique societal role as oral historians, transmitting and preserving a people’s culture through the generations in song, music, and poetry.
Suntou’s family includes some of the world’s most highly respected West African musicians. His musical abilities are outstanding, perhaps unique for his generation. An in-demand and charismatic performer, he attracted attention as soon as he arrived on the UK music scene.
“Suntou Susso’s music brings nothing but good vibes as it combines the rich, traditional sound of his West-African Mandinka culture with Afro funk and soul” – Successors of the Mandingue
★★★★ Songlines